How To Create Magento 2 Theme Ultimate Guide?
There are number of improvements to the way themes are managed and set up in Magento 2. The use of the theme.xml definition file, introduced in Magento 1.9, and a new fallback system, are two of the most significant improvements. The fallback system in Magento 2 works in a similar way to Magento 1.x, but has the added advantage that you can select unlimited parent themes to inherit from / fallback to all via the theme.xml file in your theme. Let’s say you want to create a brand new theme based on the new Magento "Blank" theme. First, you would create a new folder in app/design/frontend called, for example Session/default. You would then create a theme.xml file in this directory (it is probably best to copy it from app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/theme.xml ), name your theme, and choose any parent. In this case, we want Magento 2's Blank theme. To Creat Magento 2 Theme Ultimate: Creating a Magento theme folder Declare your theme Composer package regist...